"The Hour": BBC America debuts this promising Brit series, which is influenced by both "Broadcast News," and a bit of "Mad Men." Set in 1956, it follows three broadcasters (one of whom is played by Dominic West, aka McNulty, from "The Wire") as they set about creating a new news show. Beyond their romantic triangle, however lurks some espionage doings. (Troy Patterson of Slate has an entertaining review.) The cast also features Ben Whishaw and Romola Garai. 7 p.m., BBC America
"Conan": The redhead's guests tonight include the ever-lovable Paul Rudd, and Jessica Chastain ("Tree of Life"). 11 p.m., TBS
"The Daily Show": Jon Stewart welcomes Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, and now a political analyst for MSNBC. They should have plenty to chat about. 11 p.m., Comedy Central
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